Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Cannabis might ease the pain

Marijuana may provide symptomatic relief of neuropathic pain associated with HIV, according to a new clinical trial. Participants who smoked cannabis cigarettes experienced greater pain reduction than those who smoked placebo cigarettes with cannabinoids (the psychoactive components of marijuana, including THC) removed.

The results should be interpreted with caution since just 28 HIV patients were examined, according to Prof Igor Grant, director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at UCSD, which funded the research. However, he continued to say that "converging evidence from several studies point in the same direction ... in the short-term smoked cannabis does have a beneficial effect on neuropathic pain".

Neuropathy is chronic pain due to nerve damage which, in HIV, is caused both by the illness and by common treatment. It affects 30% or more of HIV patients and "is a chronic and significant problem in HIV patients as there are few existing treatments that offer adequate pain management to sufferers", said Prof Ronald Ellis, who led the study.

The trial, conducted at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, examined HIV patients whose pain had not responded well to other drugs, opiates included. Since the patients continued taking their conventional medicines, Grant said the study can only tell researchers about the additional (or adjunctive) effect of cannabis on neuropathic pain.

The patients were randomly selected to smoke cannabis or placebo cigarettes over five day periods and the outcome was assessed used standardised tests of pain relief experienced by the patients. To guard against bias, the study used a double-blind approach where neither the patients nor the experimenters knew whether any given patient was smoking cannabis or placebo cigarettes. However, most of the patients taking cannabis guessed that they were not taking a placebo.

Published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, the trial showed that 46% of the cannabis smokers reported clinically meaningful pain relief (30% reduction) as compared to 18% of the placebo smokers.

Cannabionids relieve pain by acting on pain receptors in the human nervous system where they "mimic the effect of endocannabinoids which are released in a protective manner" to combat pain, said Roger Pertwee, professor of Neuropharmacology at the University of Aberdeen. According to Grant, the UCSD researchers are interested in smoking cannabis since THC taken orally is irregularly absorbed into the bloodstream.

The relatively small scale of the trial "would be enough for a scientific study but drug licensing bodies would require many more", said Pertwee who is also Director of Pharmacology at GW Pharmaceuticals which produces Sativex, a cannabinoid drug for pain relief in multiple sclerosis and certain cancer patients. Sativex is approved in Canada but is not licensed in the UK.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Bees behave like criminals and could help catch them

New research using bumblebees to refine and test a technique used to catch serial killers has implications for wildlife conservation, fighting malaria and combatting bioterrorism.

Writing in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Biologists Dr Nigel Raine and Dr Steven Le Comber at Queen Mary, University of London used a technique called geographic profiling (GP) originally developed by Professor Kim Rossmo from Texas State University, a former detective and co-author, to help police narrow down suspects by looking at the locations of serial crimes.

Although it has been successful in practice, it is difficult for criminologists to test and improve GP scientifically because they can't ethically conduct controlled studies of criminals. But the better the technique, the more precisely the police can locate the criminal.

So Raine and his colleagues took GP into the laboratory and found that it helped to predict the entrance to a beehive from the locations of the artificial flowers visited by the bees. Furthermore, the technique allowed the researchers to distinguish different foraging strategies that the bees might be using. According to the study, for example, one likely strategy simply involves choosing the nearest new flower at each step from the nest.

The researchers say their findings have implications for bee conservation. Although there are 25 species of bumblebee in the UK, most of these are in decline as changes in agriculture have eroded their natural habitats. "Since records began, 3 bumblebee species have already become nationally extinct" says Raine. The great yellow bumblebee (Bombus distinguendus), for example, one of 5 species officially listed as priorities for conservation action by the government, is now found in only a handful of places such as the outer Hebrides. GP could help conservationists locate bumblebees' nests, a difficult task according to Raine, as they are usually underground and the bees may travel up to 2km from the nest.

Although this is the first controlled study of GP, Raine explained that "the approach works well for very different animals: from bees and bats to great white sharks". Following on from this work, the scientists plan to use GP "to study the distribution patterns of illegal snares in Zimbabwe" and to examine "how geographic profiling might assist in efforts to fight malaria by locating breeding sites".

GP uses two opposing insights to create a geoprofile that shows where a serial criminal is likely to live. Most crimes are committed near an anchor point, usually the criminal's home. 70% of arsons happen within 2 miles of the arsonists home, for example. However, there is also a buffer zone centred on the anchor point where there are few opportunities to commit a crime. For the bees, there is a energy cost attached to foraging further from the nest while the buffer zone might reflect the cost of attracting parasites and predators to the nest, according to Raine.

The researchers point out that while criminologists have no control over where crimes are committed, biologists can test GP under different conditions by experimentally controlling factors such as the distribution and density of the flowers. According to Rossmo, the research is relevant to analysing "track data from GPS monitored offenders" and "provides a foundation for possible future applications of geographic profiling to bioterrorism".

Monday, 28 July 2008

Is generosity just showing off?

Ever wondered why men usually pay the bill on a first date? An evolutionary psychologist might point out that men on dates also tend to leave unusually large tips and that gives us an important clue.

More specifically, two related evolutionary theories could give us the answer. The first, sexual selection, predicts that because females have a greater investment in parenting, they tend to prefer males who seem likely to provide resources and commitment. Males, meanwhile, have co-evolved to behave so as to give every appearance of being able to provide and care for their partner.

The problem is that, where behaviour is concerned, appearances can be deceptive.
Is he really so wealthy and caring? Costly signalling theory, however, predicts that costliness is a reliable indicator of honest behaviours. The more it costs a man to appear capable and committed, for example, the more likely that he really is.

These theories might explain why male chimpanzees use food-sharing to show off to sexually receptive females. But do they really tell us anything about the way we behave? Wendy Iredale, at the University of Kent, and her colleagues decided to investigate by looking at charity donations in the presence of attractive members of the opposite sex.

They asked men and women (heterosexual undergraduates specifically) to play a series of games in which they could earn up to £24. They were then given the option of making a costly act of generosity - donating a percentage of their earnings to charity - either in private or observed by an attractive man or woman.

The results, published last week in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, showed that men are substantially more charitable when observed by the attractive female. As predicted by evolutionary theory, women's donations did not vary. However, scientists still don't know what exactly this generosity signals (caring or wealth, for example) or whether women actually find altruistic men more attractive.

Sexual selection also predicts that males evolve a preference for mates who appear to be fertile and, correspondingly, that females will co-evolve attributes that reliably signal their fertility. An example is breast size and symmetry which, so the argument goes, are honest indicators of fertility. And in case anyone needs convincing that men tend to respond to this particular adaptation, Nicolas Guegen from the Universite de Bretagne Sud studied drivers passing an attractive female hitch-hiker. The results, published in Perceptual and Motor Skills last December, showed that men are more likely to stop if her bra cup size appears to be C rather than A. Women stopped equally frequently in either case.

So what does all this tell us? Obviously, we've also evolved the intelligence and capacity for self-reflection to rise above these kinds of thing to a large extent. They don't fundamentally limit the decisions we make and nor do they excuse poor behaviour. But it's interesting to see residual influences of our evolutionary past still cropping up and being used to test general theories of behavioural evolution. Does anyone have any other examples?

Friday, 22 February 2008

The art of gliding

How gliding mammals avoid crash landings

The development of the aeroplane owes much to its humbler relative, the glider. The Wright brothers explicitly acknowledged the efforts of nineteenth century enthusiasts such as Otto Lilienthal and Sir George Cayley. However, other mammals first evolved the ability to glide many millions of years ago. For a tree-dwelling creature, gliding offers considerable advantages in terms of conserving energy, avoiding injury and evading predators.

An example is the colugo. One of the closest evolutionary relatives to primates, colugos are also known as flying lemurs although they are neither lemurs, which are primates, nor do they fly. These squirrel-sized beasts are one of the more successful mammalian gliders, using membranes of skin between their outstretched limbs to cover distances of 150 metres between trees (sometimes even carrying young).

However, in order to enjoy the benefits of gliding, mammals such as the colugo must actively manipulate forces during take-off and landing to reach their target and avoid injury due to high-impact landings. To date, most research has been conducted under artificial conditions in the laboratory and, consequently, has failed to shed light on how they achieve these feats. First, there are discrepancies in the relative magnitude of take-off and landing forces observed depending on the rigidity and orientation of the artificial platforms. No-one knows what colugos use in their natural environment. Second, take-off and landing forces increase with distance travelled. However, this may be due to the small range of short distances examined since aerodynamic theory predicts that gliders reach an equilibrium velocity (where weight is balanced by drag) beyond which such forces no longer increase.

The fact that gliding mammals are nocturnal has hampered previous efforts to study them in the wild using videography. However, in a paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Greg Byrnes from the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues made novel use of technology to discover how colugos glide in their natural habitat. The researchers captured colugos in Singapore and, before returning them to the wild, glued tiny rucksacks to their backs. These contained an electronic accelerometer, similar to those used in the Wii computer game controllers, which records 3-d acceleration. Also included was a radio tag, allowing Byrnes to track the whereabouts of each animal as well as recover the device when it eventually fell off (between one and four weeks later).

In contrast to some laboratory studies, the data retrieved from these gadgets indicated that landing forces (up to 17 times the animal’s body weight) exceed take-off forces (up to 13 times thereof) suggesting that colugos mainly encounter rigid landing surfaces. Furthermore, over the wider range of natural distances studied, take-off forces did not vary with glide duration. Take-off speed varied widely, probably reflecting natural variation in the stiffness and orientation of the branches colugos glide from.

However, the most surprising outcome was that landing forces show an inverse relationship with glide duration: longer glides result in lower landing forces, in contrast both with previous laboratory research and aerodynamic theory. It turns out that this counterintuitive relationship is due to aerial braking: colugos change their body posture dynamically in order to slow down throughout a glide. This is particularly significant just before landing and allows the colugo to reduce its speed by 60% on average. Short glides simply do not provide enough time to change body posture and result in high impact landings.

Byrnes and his colleagues suggest that this ability to brake forms a key step in the evolution from leaping to gliding. By using the accelerometer to study and compare other species in their natural habitats, they hope to discover more about the evolution of mammalian gliding.

Byrnes, G. , Lim, N. T.-L and Spence, A. J. (2008). Take-off and landing kinetics of a free-ranging gliding mammal, the Malayan colugo (Galeopterus variegatus). Proeceedings of the Royal Society B, 275, 1007-1013.